
Lung cancer is the most lethal form of cancer, claiming more victims each year than breast, colon, and prostate cancers combined. The MONARCH® Platform reinvents the bronchoscope to make early-stage lung cancer easier to detect, diagnose, and treat.

What we did

Matter worked with Auris to leverage the power of robotics and a novel telescoping design to reach deeper into the lung than conventional methods can achieve. The robotic system includes a Monarch tower, cart, physical controller, and an intuitive physical and digital user interface that combines traditional endoscopic views with computer-assisted navigation based on 3D models of the patient's lung anatomy. We drew on our experience in industrial design, design for manufacturing, user experience, user interface, visual design, and high-fidelity prototyping to help Auris achieve its goals for the platform. In 2019, our work won the Red Dot: Best of the Best Award given to only 1.5% of the 2019 Red Dot entries— an indication of the ground-breaking nature of the design quality.

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